A Seasoned Life


A Seasoned Life

Life and Style for Men

Thriving with confidence in the midlife years

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Greetings and welcome to “A Seasoned Life”!

This is a place for “midlife” men to engage around issues of life, style, and things that matter. 

This blog started as an email newsletter designed for men age 40s to 60s. My intent is to help men navigate the transitions of middle adulthood with confidence, health, and style. I still have the newsletter, which is where I’ll post new content initially, and then archive it here on the website. I welcome you to subscribe to the email list from this website so you can get new content first, as well as extras that don’t appear here on the website.

The idea for this blog is rooted in my own experiences of growing older. I continue to adjust my personal style, identifying my own personal and leadership strengths. I am committed to presenting the best version of myself for this season of my life. 

I should point out, I am not so young anymore. After I entered my fifties, it seemed like it would be too easy to fade from view. To be overlooked, to disappear.

I wasn’t ready for that to happen.

I wanted to stay relevant, to remain visible, to have some control over how others perceive me. These are things that matter regardless of your age.

During the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, we were encouraged to “quarantine” and practice social distancing–to become a bit invisible, temporarily. These are tough times, but they will not last forever. Maybe this is a time to think more deeply on who you are, on who you want to be. A time to focus on your influence during this season of crisis as well as after it runs its course. You won’t want to STAY invisible.

In times of employment insecurities, you also want to make sure you are presenting yourself in the best possible ways, for your own personal success. 

So, here are some things about myself, and my intent with this blog…

One of the decisions I made some years ago was to upgrade my personal style and appearance. I lost some weight and worked on fitness. I started taking ownership of my style, and in how I present myself. I found that this has been empowering and has increased my confidence.

My style gets comments and compliments (often from people much younger), and has helped keep me visible.

It is part of my leadership influence, part of my personal Ethos,

I often get asked how I have made this transition, and I look forward to sharing some tips.

There are other blogs and sites out there on men’s style, for example. I follow many of them and have learned a lot. You might benefit from them as well. But many are skewed toward a younger audience, and focus mainly on clothes. I want to offer something different.

Not just style. Not just lifestyle. More like overall Life AND Style. I want to be an encouragement and resource for men. To help men who are maneuvering the sometimes challenging transitions from one season of life to another.

I’m revisiting some of my academic background in issues of adult development, and will pass key insights along to you. I’m drawing on things I’ve learned in a 35 year career in adult education in church, non-profits, and higher ed settings.

My own experiences, perspectives, and tips about a number of life issues will be helpful to other men. and maybe even some women, who are navigating the seasons of their lives. I also hope to learn a great deal from many of you!

I read and listen to lots of content relating to adult development. I pay attention to men’s style, health and fitness, family life, travel, and various aspects and philosophy of self-improvement. I follow things for which you may not have the time or interest. I will distill and summarize key points from many sources, along with my own perspectives. My goal is to inform and encourage you to present the best version of yourself in the season of life you’re in.

I look forward to hearing from you, and speaking to things that matter…