A Seasoned Life


A Seasoned Life

Life and Style for Men

Thriving with confidence in the midlife years


Try wearing a men’s winter scarf

Try wearing a men’s winter scarf! Here it is December, with cold weather in many parts, so it is time to think men’s winter scarfs! Here in my home city of Portland, Oregon, we’ve had our usual cold and…


The Power of a Uniform to tell a story

The power of a uniform to tell a story I recently watched the 2016 film, Sully, for probably the third time. There are films I will watch–and books I will read–multiple times, as I seem to pick up something new…


There is no normal life–there’s just life

There is no normal life–there’s just life. In the classic western film Tombstone (1993), one of many memorable scenes is the one where Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) comes to sit with his friend and fellow gunfighter, Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer), as…


Those things i’ve wanted to do–update

Those Things You’ve Always Wanted to Do… In my prior post, I talked about taking action on doing some of the things we’ve always wanted to do. Have you made a “Life List” of things you’d like to experience or…


Those things you always wanted to do

You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them!                                 (E.J. Lamprey) Time marches on, and the things you would like to experience or accomplish won’t happen automatically. Either you do them, or make…


Why you should Write your own memoirs

You should tell the story of your life. At least for your own family. Really–a life worth living is a story worth telling.  Right now, the genre of personal “memoir” is very popular. You can find all kinds of…


When i’m 64

There is one day in my entire life when I can legitimately write a post with this title, and that is now. That’s right, today I turn 64–just like in the Beatles’ song! Not that I’ve been looking forward to…