A Seasoned Life


A Seasoned Life

Life and Style for Men

Thriving with confidence in the midlife years


How you can look better in photos

Want to know how to look better in photos? We’re more than one year into the COVID-19 crisis. Many of you have spent way more time at home this past year, either working entirely or partly from home, or…


striving for proficiency versus mastery

Striving for proficiency versus mastery You’ve probably heard of the 10,000 hour principle.  That is, to master something and achieve excellence, you need to spend about 10,000 hours in diligent practice. Malcolm Gladwell proposed this principle in his 2008…


what does “by your own bootstraps” mean?

You keep using that expression, “Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.” I do not think it means what you think it means. (apologies to Inigo Montoya 🙂 You’ve often heard that expression about your own bootstraps, usually regarding…


De-cision making is a learned skill

We take some words for granted. A word like “decision,” referring to something we do all the time. De-cision making is a learned skill. Have you thought about the origin of this word, “De-cision”? As with so many English…


the lowdown on neck gaiters / face protectors

The lowdown on neck gaiters… So, I bought one of these neck gaiters / face protectors. You’ll recall that in one of my recent posts, I suggested you might try wearing a men’s scarf while it is still winter.…


Try wearing a men’s winter scarf

I’ve had some comments urging a few more posts with practical tips on men’s style. So I’m going to squeeze this one in while it is still officially winter. Try wearing a men’s winter scarf! I should have written…


Tom Brady doesn’t think he is old…

Tom Brady doesn’t think he is old… …so why should you think YOU are? Just because you are no longer a “young adult” doesn’t mean that you’re an “old adult” either. So, here’s some of what critics were saying…


Three chords and the truth

Three chords and the truth… I like old-style, classic country music, I say without apology.   Oh, I like lots of other music styles too. I won’t name them all, but will leave you to guess. I do love music.…


Write yourself a 90-day letter

Write yourself a 90-Day letter In my last newsletter I encouraged you all to consider personal goals and planning on a 90-day, quarterly basis. This is the time of year when people set yearly goals, make resolutions, etc.  But…